Our Process

  • Matching Process

    Families interested in our services should complete the Contact Us form. You can expect a response within 24-48 hours.

    After connecting and learning more about your student, Learning a la Carte will recommend one or more tutors that fit the needs of your family.

    Families are encouraged to connect with the recommended tutor(s) to ensure they feel confident moving forward with the match. Learning a la Carte can facilitate a Zoom call upon request.

    Tutoring schedules are determined by families and the tutor. In person sessions typically last between 45 minutes to 1 hour. Virtual sessions typically last between 30 minutes to 1 hour. Longer sessions can be scheduled if needed.

    We are looking forward to working with you!

  • Cancellations and Payments

    When you set up a session with one of our tutors, they reserve that time just for you. We ask that you also reserve that time in your schedule. If you miss or cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours' notice, you will be charged the full amount of the session fee. This policy is in place out of respect for other clients and the tutor. By giving last-minute notice or no notice at all, there is not enough time for someone else to obtain services in your canceled time slot.

    Learning a la Carte requires all clients to keep a payment method on file. We will process payment automatically based on your preference of a weekly or monthly schedule. A receipt will be emailed to you after payment is processed. Learning a la Carte is committed to providing excellent customer service. If you have any questions or prefer to provide payment information over the phone, please do not hesitate to reach out.